NOQTURNL is an audiovisual meditation exploring collective dreamstate. A collaboration between visual artist Florence To and 4DSOUND Creative Director and sound designer John Connell, NOQTURNL works with a form of extended hypnagogic state, taking the participants through a series of 'rooms' and spaces while they drift between waking and sleeping over seven hours.

Constructed through patterns of light and soundscapes, layered tones and sonic textures, the performances evolve in unique directions each night, guided by a very subtle energetic interaction between the audience, Connell and To.

Slow, pulse-driven musical constructs, vast landscapes of sound and visual patterns develop over hours as the listener drifts in and out of sleep, blurring the boundaries between dream environment and physical space: in doing so, allowing conscious access to the vivid, intuitive imagery and sensation within the borders of dream experience.

A project 2 years in the making, the insight for NOQTURNL as a  performance playing between the boundary of waking sleeping emerged while To and Connell worked overnight in the 4DSOUND studio in Amsterdam with founder Paul Oomen, as experiencing different sound and light patterns in this state invited a highly receptive and imaginative response from the mind.

NOQTURNL premiered as part of the Circadian programme at TodaysArt 2015, The Hague in the cavernous Electriciteitsfabriek, with further performances during the opening weekend of the Spatial Sound Institute in Budapest.

4DSOUND Technologies B.V.
Contactweg 47
1014 AN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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